Friday, March 11, 2016

Fri. March 11 - History Class

"Troubleshooting = Literacy"

World History (B) 

ObjectiveStudents are addressing their reading and academic habits through various academic strategies.

Guided Instruction: 

I came across an article (see above) last night that reinforces the "Why" are we doing this assignment? Below, are few of the takeaways. 
  • Overall, Americans' everyday literacy skills were average. 
  • When it comes to technology skills, the story gets worse. The U.S. came in last place — right below Poland.The study looked at basic technology tasks: things like using email, buying and returning items online, using a drop-down menu, naming a file on a computer or sending a text message. Across the board, Americans performed poorly on these tasks.
To improve on these academic habits, we must encourage students to Trouble Shoot. So, for today's lesson. Try to read through the website Thinglink, try to read through the Spreadsheet and Create a Budget, don't simply just give the task off to a classmate, wait for the bell to ring, or randomly choose the perfect selfie or scroll through Facebook posts. Just as 19th Cenutry Europe transitioned from muscle, wind, water power to steam, gas, and electrical power, transition your habits from neutral to forward. 

Collaborative Instruction:

In the library, students will read address the following:
  1. Thing Link Creation 
  2. Budget Creation 
  3. Management Decision - Clarifying Table

"Make up sometimes makes the Person"

American History (B) 

Objective: Students will rehearse their ability to readRe-Read, and edit authentic writing & 


Guided Instruction: 

Any previous lessons that were overlooked or not submitted, students will be provided Time to 

address these missing responsibilities. How we "recover" or "make up" our responsibilities, sometimes speaks 

volumes about our academic character.

Collaborative Instruction & Agenda for Today 

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